Advanced Planning Strategies

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We ask the questions that are sometimes overlooked.

Whether your concern is individual estate planning or corporate business succession planning, our wealth transfer services help to accomplish your long-term goals.

Coordinating your family and your business goes beyond the routine day-to-day management of traditional investing and corporate insurance products. Through our relationship with trusted attorneys and CPAs, we work to ensure a well-conceived approach, taking into account the following:


Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. We assist clients in developing estate strategies with a primary goal of minimizing estate tax and maximizing the wealth passed to future generations. We want to give you control over how you accumulate, enjoy and distribute your wealth.

One of the most overlooked aspects of business is a properly structured, updated and funded business continuation plan. Our goal is to help build and implement the strategies needed to protect your business’s value and longevity in the event of losing a key contributor. We specialize in Stock Redemption, Cross-Purchase, and Key-Person Planning.

Talented employees are a vital asset to most successful businesses, and losing them could be your business’s biggest liability. By offering non-qualified executive benefits, you will give your business a competitive edge in recruiting and retaining top talent. MDL Wealth Management specializes in the following.


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